
Unique lady

I recently received a photo of a lady holding a tiny yellow bird in her hand. She explained that the bird had flown off course and crashed into her window. By doing so knocked itself out. She went on to explain that she massaged the poor little bird's heart and cheered it on until it regained it senses and was able to fly away.

Tell me how many people do you know that have massaged and cheered on a little injured bird. 
No many I suspect.



The perfect answer.

 I train with a hard training woman in her early forties. One day a fellow 'gym rat' asked her why she wasn't married. She replied with the perfect answer. 
She said,
"I'm not married because nobody has asked me". 

To which my buddy had no reply.



今週のワンポイント英会話 第698回 〜To dial up.〜

To dial up. = To improve.


If you want to be a winner, you must dial up your game.



I passed a middle aged lady on the street today and she was wearing a t-shirt which said, "searching for something great".
I noticed that on the back of the shirt it said 

"found it."



I want a rest.

I was approached by a foreign tourist who said to me,"I want a rest". I told him to sit down or to go to a coffee shop. He repeated the same statement again but this time with more urgency. 
What he wanted was the restroom.


I love you.

While handing out flyers today,  a pretty young women came up to me and said
"I love you". 
I was of course happy and surprised. 
She went on to say "love you homepage and website"
I was happy to hear that but a little heartbroken.


今週のワンポイント英会話 第693回 〜A Bum Gun.〜

A Bum Gun. = European word for shower toilet.


The Bum Gun is Asia’s greatest invention.



Catch phrase

With the economy in rough shape and folks are worried about to do.
So, I decided on a catch phrase.

"Make it happen."

Where is the toilet?

Very early this morning I was approached by a guy about thirty. 
He was wearing a helmet, Japanese tabi and a tool belt. 
His eyes were a bit hysterical. 
He grabbed my shoulders and said very slowly in English,
"Where is the toilet?"



Strange but true

I was standing in front of my building when I noticed a man in a suit bend down, pick up an old cigarette butt and light it. He finished it, threw it away and then walked into a convenience store. 
Soon after he came out he handed me a bag with a can of coffee. 
" I bought this for you."   he said. 
Then he just walked away. 


*cigarette butt: 吸い殻



I see thousands of tourists navigating their way through Osaka and Kyoto. All of them have their eyes fixed on their smartphones. They move from place to place with ease and confidence. I guess that the Internet, smartphones  and Google maps have made traveling to a foreign country easy and convenient.



Tourists in printed.

I notice that in many hotels around here our tourist friends from China are walking outside in their pajamas and the hotels' room slippers (the hotels names are printed on the slippers). 
So if you see someone wandering around at night in pajamas, it's probably a tourist. If you want to know which hotel he/she is staying at look at their feet.



"I stopped think and I couldn't get started again".  
The first five days after the weekend are the hardest.



今週のワンポイント英会話 第669回 〜Thick-skinned vs thin-skinned.〜

Thick-skinned vs thin-skinned.
= A person with thick skin can handle criticism very well without losing their temper. Someone who is thin-skinned is easily upset by criticism.

図太い人 と 過敏な人。

Donald Trump is thin-skinned while his wife is thick-skinned.



Chinese and running shoes.

I can't help but notice that most of the Chinese young tourists that arrive here are wearing running shoes or sneakers. 
If you see a young woman wearing brightly colored pink running shoes, you are looking at a Chinese woman.


Media madnes

A businessman stopped to talk to me. He had a mobile phone and a lighted cigarette in his left hand. The phone rang and he answered the phone. 
When he did, the lighted cigarette burned his hair. 
This is just insane!


A miracle.

 This morning I watched a well dressed women in her late twenties walk across a busy road full of rush hour traffic. Although the road was full of speeding cars, trucks and buses, this women walked aimlessly to the other side completely oblivious to the traffic which narrowly missed or the horns of the angry motorist as she was staring intensely at her media device. She continued walking to the station still engrossed in her device. 

It was a pure miracle that she wasn't killed.

