All good. = Everything is OK.
How are you? All good.
日本で英会話を教える仕事に就いてから50年近くになりました。 世界的規模の語学学校のチーフティーチャーとして9年の経験を積んだ後、1986年、新大阪と十三の中間、西中島でニューヨーク英語学院を開校、以来35年間休むことなく、月謝制を導入、個人指導を中心に行っています。 趣味は筋トレ。毎日2000回の腹筋を日課にしています。 英会話指導は、私にとって単にビジネスではなく、私の人生そのものです。
To keep your eye on the ball.= To concentrate.
When you are doing a project, try to keep your eye on the ball.
Bull in a china closet.= Clumsy or someone who confuses the situation.
My secretary usually falls at the worst times. She is surely a bull in a china closet.
I got a flu shoot today.
It is free for mature adults.
In that case, I think I’ll get two.
Yesterday morning while walking around Juso,
I noticed a large number of women riding their bikes to the station going to work.
90% of the bikes had a baby car on the back.
I think that Japanese mothers must be very powerful to work
to raise young kids at the same time.
To take a dirt nap. = To die.
My day is coming for a dirt nap.