
Tourists in printed.

I notice that in many hotels around here our tourist friends from China are walking outside in their pajamas and the hotels' room slippers (the hotels names are printed on the slippers). 
So if you see someone wandering around at night in pajamas, it's probably a tourist. If you want to know which hotel he/she is staying at look at their feet.



"I stopped think and I couldn't get started again".  
The first five days after the weekend are the hardest.



今週のワンポイント英会話 第669回 〜Thick-skinned vs thin-skinned.〜

Thick-skinned vs thin-skinned.
= A person with thick skin can handle criticism very well without losing their temper. Someone who is thin-skinned is easily upset by criticism.

図太い人 と 過敏な人。

Donald Trump is thin-skinned while his wife is thick-skinned.



Chinese and running shoes.

I can't help but notice that most of the Chinese young tourists that arrive here are wearing running shoes or sneakers. 
If you see a young woman wearing brightly colored pink running shoes, you are looking at a Chinese woman.