
今週のワンポイント英会話 第599回 〜To help yourself.〜

To help yourself.= To take care something or to do some things by yourself.


When my kids were younger they used to help themselves to food in the refrigerator.



Young lady and her ring.

Two of my students fell in love and he proposed to her. She of course said "yes" so he went to buy  a diamond ring  for her. He called her and told her what he had done and he asked her to meet him at their favorite bar and he would present to her there. The young lady was super happy and she told her friends of the sensational news. She and her friends immediately began to celebrate. He was delayed a bit at the office. 
By the time he arrived at the bar she had drunk too much and had fallen asleep and she was in no condition to receive her ring.


Miss Beautiful

If you come to Nishinakajima you will see a number of delivery people scurrying here and there. Except one... Miss Beautiful. 
She is a short women about 25 years old. She weighs about 80 or so kilos. Each of her finger nails are painted a different color. Although she's not married she wears a wedding ring. She calls herself Miss Beautiful. 
She must be the worlds most affable person. 
She knows just about everyone around here. Every ten or fifteen meters she stops to speak to someone. 
 After dropping off a package at my office, I found her sitting at my desk looking at baby pictures. Another time she complained that the package was too heavy and she asked me to help her.
She may not be the best delivery person but she is certainly the most interesting.



今週のワンポイント英会話 第597回 〜To arouse.〜

To arouse.= To enhance,interest or excitement.


Happy songs arouse me.




A delivery person and a pretty girl.

Recently I observed a delivery person running along the sidewalk pushing a cart in front of him. He wasn't watching where he was going but watching a very pretty girl in front of him. 
Unfortunately he didn't see the sign post in front of him. He crashed the cart into the post knocking himself on his butt. 
The pretty girl never noticed him.

今週のワンポイント英会話 第596回 〜Seldom.〜

Seldom.= Rare, not usual.


I seldom use the bus any more.
