
今週のワンポイント英会話 第512回

Dazzle = To overpower with light. To confound with beauty or cleverness.


The young girl dazzled everyone with her beauty.        



今週のワンポイント英会話 第510回

A world of hurt. = To be in pain or in some trouble.


From time to time I have to have water taken from my knees.  At that time I'm in a world of hurt.


My buddy told me that he took his wife to their favorite bar for her birthday celebration.  The owner of the bar gave his wife a bottle of wine for a birthday present.  His wife was thrilled.  
As they were leaving, my bro went to pay the tab.  
The owner charged him the usual tab plus ¥10,000 for the bottle of wine!
This is the kind of bar that I want to stay out of.

*thrill : (自動)感動する、ゾクゾクする  (他動)感動させる 
*bro : 友人
*tab : (レストランなどの)勘定書


Helping hand

Since I'm still on crutches, I was having trouble walking up a flight of stairs in the station when I was helped by a little old lady..... 
who had a walking stick! 
 Smiles all around.


今週のワンポイント英会話 第509回

To know the ropes. = To understand something well.  To know the method of operation.


I've been teaching English for 34 years.  For sure I know the ropes of this business.


My knees

I've had some water removed from my knees so I can't use my legs. The doctor told me that I had to stay on crutches for at least two weeks! Crutches really suck! They hurt my armpits and they are difficult to use. A good point is that everyone is kind and helpful. That's the only good point.Everything, I mean everything is difficult on crutches. Osaka is a 'barrier free' city so using the trains and stores is pretty easy. Using crutches gives you strong forearms!




Major shock! 
I  love donuts and I'm a donut monster. Today I went to my favorite donut shop and I found that my super #1 donut, 'old fashion' had become smaller and thinner.

 I will never forgive the donut shop for this.